Every year, beginning November 1, we create a Thankfullness Craft.

This year, I have a new idea:
This year I think I'm going to use tree branches. They're all over our yard, anyway. Might as well make good use of them, huh? This one is from skiptomylou.com
And what a pretty display they would make for our dining room on Thanksgiving day...
I think I'll just pre-cut my leaves out of craft paper, construction paper, and scrapbook papers, tie a little string around the top to hang them by, and have at the ready. I love having them displayed on a pretty silver platter, too. Source unknown.
I'm super-duper excited about our Thanksgiving Tree this year... Austin and I will be tracing and cutting out our leaves while he recuperates from his surgery.
What Thanksgiving traditions do you have? Do you create a Thankfulness Tree?
Only By His Grace