A few days ago I posted the most wonderful pictures of organized, clutter free coat closets.
I set my sights on working on our own family coat closet. Mine are not quite as glamorous as these, but I must admit, it's much better than it was :)
Let me show you how it all came about: Maybe you can follow along with your own coat closet.
1) Empty entire closet of all articles. There was a pile of hats, scarves and gloves. I also had a stack of coats and jackets, and another pile of shoes, both winter and summer.

2) Sort everything into stacks of like items. Scarves together, gloves together, hats together. Then sort through all shoes, taking off-season articles to the appropriate person's closet.

3.) Gather and label bins for sorted items. I wanted three bins; one each for hats, scarves and gloves. I already had three, I just needed to utilize them more efficiently.

I love the pop of red color in our white closet. It really jazzes it up! Since I couldn't find any wall paper I dearly loved, these little bins really inspire me.

4.) I chose an extra storage unit, in this case it was a sweater hanger. This particular shelf system has openings large enough to fit small baskets. I only need one basket right now, but can add more later, if / when needed.

5.) I chose hangers that match. Okay, okay, this is a little over-the-top, I know. But I just liked the idea of my hangers matching my white walls and white shelf and white storage unit. :)
6.) Add back in coats and jackets - shoes and back packs and call it done.
7.) Store labeled bins containing sorted items inside, and store on the closet shelf.
8.) I also added two heavy duty command hooks for jackets, back packs or book bags. There is also an over-the-door coat hook for those days when you just don't feel like hanging up your jacket :)
9.) There's plenty of room at the bottom for shoes and backpacks.
I feel much better about this closet now! Let's just see how long it lasts!
Are you working on any organizing projects before YOUR holidays guests arrive?
Only By His Grace,