What you are about to read is sobering. We know that people in second and third world countries go without food and clean water. I am very supportive of helping others. World Hunger Fund is an excellent way to help those in need in other areas of the globe. We feel certain that the funds we donate are used to help those in need.
What about here in the United States? For many Americans, adults and children alike, their Thanksgiving table will be bare. 6.4 million households had very low food security*. 48.8 million Americans in 17.2 million households were considered food insecure*. 6.2 million food insecure households were in suburban areas*. 16.2 million of the food insecure were children*.
* Source: US Department of Agriculture
Food Insecurity is a growing problem. Households are considered to be "food insecure" if access to food is limited due to a lack of money or other resources. The term "very low food security" refers to households in which one or more members have disrupted eating patterns or reduced food intake at some time during the year because the household can't afford food.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, 5.6 million US households went to an emergency food pantry in 2010. Today's weak economy has left millions of families in need of help, and that need is most acute during the holidays. That's when food pantries work wonders!
Please consider taking a few moments today to research food pantries in your local area. Consider making a donation, even a small donation of $10.oo can do wonders -- and can often feed a family of 4 for a week.
Please take these numbers into consideration and think about how you can make a difference in someone else's life!
Another idea I saved recently was this one from Martha Stewart Living. Martha suggests hosting a coat drive. She suggests asking the guests at your Thanksgiving meal to please bring one slightly used coat, gloves, scarves, etc, to be donated to a local homeless charity.
I must admit, I thought this was a fantastic idea, but before I could get my flyers created, I got one of my own in my mailbox. My neighbors the next street over are hosting a neighborhood coat drive. They are simply setting out a rubber bin on their front porch, and collecting coats, scarves, mittens, etc for a local homeless shelter.
What a great idea, and a fantastic way to bless others during this very thankful time of year!
Another idea I saved recently was this one from Martha Stewart Living. Martha suggests hosting a coat drive. She suggests asking the guests at your Thanksgiving meal to please bring one slightly used coat, gloves, scarves, etc, to be donated to a local homeless charity.
I must admit, I thought this was a fantastic idea, but before I could get my flyers created, I got one of my own in my mailbox. My neighbors the next street over are hosting a neighborhood coat drive. They are simply setting out a rubber bin on their front porch, and collecting coats, scarves, mittens, etc for a local homeless shelter.
What a great idea, and a fantastic way to bless others during this very thankful time of year!
Only By His Grace,