Saturday, November 17, 2012

Company's Coming...Another one bites the dust...

Okay, so I know not many house guests really inspect our houses while they visit.  They visit US - not our houses.  I know this...but I've also had a few that were prone to point out every dust bunny and carpet stain.  I guess I'm a little paranoid now.  

So today, I'm going to talk to you about cleaning your cold air vents.  I gave you my list of things I wished to accomplish before Thanksgiving guests arrived.  That list is here.

So I have completed the following: ceiling fans, windows, oven, trash cans, and coat closet.  I feel pretty accomplished. 

Today I tackled my cold air returns.   Wow!  I didn't realize how nasty they can get when you don't clean them often... I think I cleaned this one last March.  

I used my favorite cleaners, basic H and a microfiber cloth.  A 16 oz bottle of Basic H costs less than $10 and makes 48 gallons of all purpose cleaner when mixed 1/4 tsp to 16 oz of water.   That's less than .25 per 16 oz bottle of cleaner.  Just let me ask you?  What does YOUR cleaner cost?  I bet it's not less than .25 per bottle :)

I sprayed on my Basic H all purpose cleaner.  Waited about--- oh 30 seconds -- and then wiped each "rung" with my microfiber cloth, working left to right.

Five minutes later, I was all done!  I had three cold air returns to clean today.  Total of 15 minutes for a task I usually dread and avoid like the plague!

How is your to do list coming?  Are you getting ready for the holidays?  

Only By His Grace,
