Happy Fantastic Friday, everybody! I want to talk to you about the safety in your home... I recently read an article that shocked me terribly. I never saw things this way -- and now that I have, I'm even more convinced that Shaklee all natural products are the way to go for my family.
I've said it before and I'll say it until the day I die: "I want the best for my family, and I want the best for your family, too!"
If you have children in your home, you don't want to miss this!
Do you have small children in your home? Let's see how your typical cleaning products look to a child: We'll start with pretty typical cleaners and move forward from there. We all know that a small child can get into something before we even realized he/she was missing. Look at what the results could mean for your kids or grand kids!
To an adult, this is window cleaner:
To a small child, it looks like blue raspberry drink mix.
To an adult, this is a battery covered in toxic battery acid.
To young eyes... maybe it tastes like chili...
You may shirk at this one, but it actually happened to a family member as a toddler...
To an adult, this is a lemony fresh all-purpose cleaner.
To a small child, it's a lemony fresh beverage.
We do tend to keep these items in our kitchen under the sink, don't we?
How about dad's car polish?
To a small child it looks like they're favorite Hazelnut spread
Do your cleaners carry these types of warnings?
Do you feel as if you have to keep them under lock and key in order to keep your children safe?
Changing brands can change your life!

Changing brands can change - and possibly save -your life!
I want the best for my family. I want to keep them safe. I want that for your family too.
Please contact me about changing brands and changing your life!
Only By His Grace,