Friday, October 12, 2012

Company's Coming...Part 6

Oh, have a found the cutest little darling ideas for Thanksgiving...

Following are the photos I found online.  Read along and I'll tell you how I'm going to tweak them to make them my own...

These are obviously place cards.  But that sometimes is more trouble for me than it's worth.

I'm going to tweak this idea and use these as name plates for the food.  Sometimes we have a couple recipes for dressing, or multiple salads.  This is an easy way to label the food on the buffet, and everyone knows what they're getting.

These are fun little turkeys.  These little guys are made of felt, and are just simply adorable.

I think I'm going to recreate them out of construction paper, in larger sizes and have the kiddos at my dinner assemble them, and then have a "turkey" hunt.  Just think easter egg hunt, and you'll get the idea.

These little goody bags are absolutely darling.  I don't have the patience to make these, though.

I'm going to cut out these little guys from construction paper, then glue them to the front of a paper cup.  Inside each cup will be little prizes for the kiddos.  After the kids complete their Turkey Hunt (See above idea) then each child receives a treat.  I'll probably fill them with little candies, a glow stick, some stickers.  Probably some Christmas trinket to get the season started off right...

Do you plan extra crafts around the holidays?  It's a lot of fun to surprise the kiddos (and adults alike) with a parting gift as they leave... 

What are your plans?

Only By His Grace,
