Sunday, January 6, 2013

We've only just begun!

If you're following along with our January Organize-a-thon, then welcome back.  If this is your first visit, check the blog Archive in the right side-bar, and get caught up, you still have plenty of time to get started.  There's no time like the present.

Right now, we're looking at assessing our homes room by room.  It's not about design or decoration, and don't make it so.  Focusing on the design or decor of your home will only distract you.  

Once your home is fully assessed and the organization is complete, you'll have a better understanding of where you need to go from there.  But NOT YET!

While you're assessing your home here are a few more things to focus on.  These will be the things you will want to decide what to do with.  You're options of course are simple:  a) donate, b) keep or c) throw it away!  

  • Look for things you have duplicates of...
  • Boxes or containers you may not have looked at for more than a year...
  • Clothing you haven't worn in a year...
  • Projects you never finished, and probably never will...
  • "Collections" that consist of one or two items...
  • Things that you've been meaning to toss out...
  • Things that don't work...
  • Things that you thought you'd use, but haven't...
  • Damaged or chipped items...
  • Mismatched items such as towels, sheets, dishes, etc...
  • Decorative objects and art that you once liked, but are not your style...
  • Anything that's expired...
  • Things you were saving to give away but never did...
  • Objects of furniture in place only because you thought, "something should go there."
While making your room-by-room assessment you will begin to see how much stuff you have that you don't really need.

After you've completed your assessment, give yourself a day to review your list and really let it sink in.  Don't worry about getting rid of too much stuff.  That won't happen.  If it does, there's a whole blog community out there for minimalists :)  Remember, the idea is to open up the space you have and to make room for more possibilities.  

You're about to make room for a new and exciting organized, clutter-free life.

Only By His Grace,


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