When you begin an organization makeover, you start to find little areas of irritation that you probably didn't notice before.
For me, one such area was my sewing basket. Every time my kiddos asked me to sew up a bear's arm, fix a button, repair a popped seam, I dreaded the task. It wasn't the task itself, it was digging through all the junk in my sewing basket to actually complete the task.
What was in my sewing basket? Let's see...
* vitamins
* stray needles
* thread running amuck
* buttons, buttons and more buttons
* little bits of ribbon
I collected all the buttons in a small plastic container.
I sifted through all the little spools of thread
and went from this...
...to this. I simply used a small organizer with little bins inside.
I collected all the snaps and hooks in a small plastic container.
Wanna know what happened? My son needed me to repair a stuffed animal. And I did it! It took me under five minutes, too. I didn't dread it. I didn't procrastinate the task.
Today's goal for you is to find one or two little areas that absolutely drive you crazy and tackle them! You can do it! You can get your home back in organized shape!
Only By His Grace,
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