Let's take a moment to remind ourselves that this fall cleaning series is about being good enough. Everything in our homes does not have to be perfect. Everything cannot be spotless all at once. But things can always be better than they are - and it's ok to be good enough.
Today's challenge: Kitchen cabinets, storage bins and drawers.
I really love the feeling a good clean kitchen delivers. What I don't necessarily love is fingerprints and smudges on my kitchen cabinets and drawers. Today, we're tackling the kitchen and making it better than it was.

2.) Storage bins and baskets are often found in kitchens these days. They can really take a grimy hit, too. After you've finished your cabinets and drawer fronts, be sure to wipe down any baker's racks, trash cans, produce bins you may have. I have two large wicker baskets that I store potatoes and onions in. They have linen liners. This is the time I take the baskets outside, remove the liners and launder them. Then I simply vacuum the inside and outside of my baskets. Ahhh, much better.
3.) If you have a junk drawer in your kitchen, and I know you do, now is the time to sort through those contents returning items to their correct locations and tossing out the unneeded trash.
How does that feel? Better already!
Only By His Grace,