
I have sensitive skin. I have tried every beauty product known to man. They either leave my skin feeling heavy, or they break me out - either in a rash, or in acne. Last year my loving husband said to me, "Hon, maybe you should go get a facial. Check into some better cosmetics. What your using is making you look older." Wow! What a revelation!
I was about to turn 40 and thought I was doing pretty well for my age. Now, some women would have been offended by their husband's remarks, but I was thankful for his honesty. You know why? He was right!
I had been using Shaklee cleaning products for several months, had started taking the nutritional supplements, and knew the track record. So I took the plunge and bought the skin-care line, Enfuselle.
Within 2 days I saw results. I had people asking me, "What are you doing to your skin? You look 10 years younger!" YAY!
My skin feels like silk. It's so soft and my wrinkles have decreased immeasurably! I LOVE this skin care line -- and ladies I've tried them all -- even the all natural, hypoallergenic, organic lines. None of them even compare!
I invite you to see how beautiful healthy skin can be!
Visit my website www.abetterwayoflife.myshaklee.com read the clinical results. Decide for yourself.
Isn't it time you gave your skin the same treatment you give your body? Feel the difference immediately! You won't believe the results!
Only By His Grace,
Connect with me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/abetterwayoflife
See what Shaklee can do for you: www.abetterwayoflife.myshaklee.com
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