Friday, September 14, 2012

Life's Imperfections...

Even as I write to you this morning, I am having an "imperfect moment" with my laptop. It won't charge. Why is that?

Well, life is full of minor, and sometimes major imperfections. Although these "imperfections" usually drive me bonkers, I've learned to live with them as they come, and deal with them accordingly.

In my last post I admitted to you that I am not perfect. (I know, it's shocking, right?) I admitted that my house isn't perfect and my dog isn't perfect and my kiddos aren't perfect.

But that's okay.

I'm not saying that we don't strive for excellence. We want our kids to make good grades. We want them to give it their best effort. I want my house to be clean. I want to do a good job while I work. I'm not saying that we should have a willie-nillie attitude.

In fact the Bible tells us that whatever our hand finds to do, to do it as unto the Lord. (Col. 3:23)

Sometimes I find that my "imperfections" hold me back. I'm the personality type that says, "If I can't succeed...then I might as well not give it a go at all." I have a terrible fear of failure.

I'll be the first to admit it: I hate my imperfections. I often tell my hair dresser, "Some people have bad hair days. Myself? I'm having a bad hair life!"

There are so many things I would like to change. I'd like to have my pre-baby body back. I'd like to have the ability to cook gourmet meals. I'd like to keep my house spotless. Wouldn't we all like those things? I'm sure you have your own list.

But do you realize there is grace and wisdom that comes in acknowledging your imperfections? "If we claim to be without sin, e deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."   1 John 1:8-9

Our culture seems to be consumed with the idea of perfection. I was watching a cooking show and the chef kept saying, 'that's perfect." Again, I was reading a decorating article and again and again the writer spoke about the "perfect accessory." Even one of my dear acquaintances used the phrase, "It's 'perfectly' fine."

But the thing about perfection is that it's relative. What may be "perfect" to me may not be "perfect" for you. The perfect shade of green in my opinion may be nauseating to you. The perfect flavor ice cream may make you want to hurl. So perfection is relative when it comes to human standards.

The Amish people live a life of simplicity in order to feel closer to God. I admire that. What I've recently learned is that in everything the Amish people create, whether it's a fine hand-stitched quilt or finely built furnishings or baked goods, they always leave room for, and often times intentionally create "imperfections" in their work. Why? Because they want to remind themselves that no one is perfect except for God. They do not want the pressure or pride that comes from perfection.

So although my shoes may not match my blouse and my hair may be a little fuzzy today. I'm learning to embrace my imperfections and to rely on God's grace more and more every day. Hopefully I'll learn from my mistakes and I'll grow into a person of character because of it all.

Until then I live...

Only By His Grace,


How do you view your imperfections?

How can these imperfections cause you to rely more on God?