A few days ago I told you about my handy-dandy window cleaner squeegee thingy.
I must tell you, I'm crazy about this gadget! It has simplified my window washing routine so much I can't even begin to describe! There. Are. No. Words!
When you have windows that weekly look like this:
You need a little help!
Here's my process. By the way, it's the same process I use for my mirrors, too. Never streaks! Never! Never! Never!
Basic h2 (1 drop per 16 oz water), my squeegee, and a microfiber.

Next, squeegee off the remaining liquid, wiping dry the squeegee with the microfiber cloth after each pass.
Follow the same process for the outside portion of the window.
After? Set back an enjoy the spotless windows!
This new tool and process takes me approximately 10 minutes per window; 5 minutes inside, 5 minutes outside.
These little gems are available at Home Depot and Lowe's. They run approximately $6.00 - $8.00 relatively.
How do you clean your windows? Do you have a favorite cleaner? Do you use a squeegee?
Do you have tips to share?
Only By His Grace,