Thursday, November 7, 2013

Season of Gratitude...

Fall brings with it some rainy, cold days, doesn't it?  Most of the people I know do not like overcast, cloudy days.  I, however, love them.

I love rainy days - not just when I can stay inside and read, either - I love running errands on rainy days.  I love going for walks and bike rides on rainy days.  I love taking photo shoots on rainy days.

Today, I am thankful for my bright red raincoat.  I am also thankful for my black umbrella with bright red polka dots.  See, it is terribly difficult to be glum and gloomy on a rainy day when one wears a red rain coat and carries a polka dot umbrella.

I bought  my raincoat at Sam's of all places.  It is London Fog, has a button on/off hat, big red buttons on the front and a tie sash.  It is warm enough to wear even in 40 degree weather if I wear a scarf.  My scarf is white and my mittens are white.  Honestly, it makes you feel like a peppermint!  It's so wonderful!

Every time it rains, and I stay dry and warm, I am thankful for my bright red raincoat.

Only By His Grace,
