On that note, I've been noticing Ball and Kerr jars popping up everywhere. Why? I wonder. Oh dear Lord, please don't let it be a revival of "country style decorating." I still have recurring nightmares of ducks in blue bonnets!

Where we live, we have these great little antique/thrift...let's call them "malls." They're called Peddler's Mall. I love them. I found a dealer last week that had a whole shelf, oh approximately 25 or so, for $6.95 each, with galvanized lids. I was ecstatic.
I have found the most adorable project ideas. I do believe I will be returning to The Peddler's Mall to pick up a few. I'm thinking Christmas gifts, teacher gifts, gifts for myself {grin}...
Take a look... maybe you'll find some inspiration, too!
These kits are easy to find at craft stores. It only takes good tin punch with a strong hand and a little elbow grease.
photo: the blissfully content life
What a great teacher gift this would make. I'm also thinking Secret Santa or Secret Sister gifts. Of course, you'll need the new lids so you can create the pin cushion.
photo: the blissfully content life
I'm terribly enamored with this idea. I love the painted look. If I'm not mistaken, this look is achieved by pouring your paint into the jar, swirling it around and then waiting for the project to dry. Marvelous!
photo: BordanSpecifics
This is another version of the painted project, only this time, the paint is on the outside, and the relief pattern has been rubbed off for extra texture and pattern. I think these would make fantastic pencil cups for teachers. A set could hold pencils, markers and crayons. What a sweet display.
photo: so frickin cute
Only By His Grace,