Most everyone knows I get a rush from cleaning my house. Some say it's a sickness, but I can live with that :)
Today feels like an iced tea kind of day, but instead I'm chugging water; cool and refreshing.
I recently got an email in my inbox from Martha Stewart. No, not a personal email, silly. I signed up for her email newsletters. Whether personal or mass marketed, the email was in reference to vacuuming upholstery. Specifically, sofa cushions. Whether or not you enjoy vacuuming your sofa, there has to be an easier way that this!
It occurred to me that this topic should be a no brainer. But I guess not because the email went into specifics around the importance and how-to's of vacuuming your sofa -- and under it's cushions.
Now, granted, I like to vacuum my sofa as much as the next guy. And yes, I see the reasons around it: removing dust mites, removing pet hair, removing stray goldfish crackers, etc, etc. But I don't think it should rise to the standard of a weekly task. I save weekly tasks for more important matters, like ironing my socks! (kidding!) However, if you are so inclined, go for it!

As far as procedure goes, first vacuum the top of the cushions, the back, the arms, and front and back.
Next, lift those cushions and vacuum up any remaining
bits that hide in the recesses beneath. Word to the wise: take the money and run!
If you've been reading this blog for very long at all, you'll see that this post is a little tongue-in-cheek. I'm not sure how important vacuuming those sofa cushions really is - although I do it about once or twice a year, generally during spring and fall cleaning.
I just thought it was funny to receive an entire email based on the specifics of vacuuming sofa cushions. So funny, in fact, I wrote an entire blog post around it!
Only By His Grace,